Our accessories

Measuring spoons, dropper inserts, triggers & more

The accessories are used for dispensing and capping containers. From measuring spoons, spray guns and triggers to pourers and pipettes.

Accessories play a crucial role in packaging, especially in the pharmaceutical and medical sectors. These accessories serve not only as closures, but often also as dosing aids that come into direct contact with the product when it is consumed. Due to this direct interaction, they are subject to strict legal requirements to ensure quality and protection of the end user. The accessories must have specific properties that meet the requirements of the product in question.

Important properties of packaging accessories

Safety and hygiene

  • Materials: Must be made of materials that do not release harmful substances and do not contaminate the ingredients
  • Sterilisability: Must be able to be sterilised to ensure sterility.


  • Dosing: Accessories such as droppers, dosing syringes or measuring caps must enable precise and safe dosing
  • Tightness: Closures must be airtight and leak-proof to protect the product from contamination and spoilage


  • Chemical resistance: Accessories must be chemically inert to avoid interaction with the filling product
  • Compatibility with the container: Must be a perfect fit to ensure functionality and safety


  • Easy to use: Must be easy for the end user to open, close and dispense
  • Child and senior-friendly**:Special usability requirements for different age groups

Examples of packaging accessories


  • Application: For liquid medicines that need to be dispensed in small quantities
  • Properties: Precise dosing, easy handling, sterile materials

Dosing syringes

  • Dosing syringes
  • Properties: Precise measuring of the dose, safe use, often with child-resistant closures

Measuring caps and spoons

  • Application: Syrups and liquid medicines
  • Features: Easy dosing, clear markings for exact quantities

Closures with integrated dropper or pipette

  • Application: Liquid medicines and essences
  • Features: Combines closure and dosing aid, protects against contamination

Child-resistant closures

  • Application: Medicines and hazardous substances
    Features: More difficult to open for children, but user-friendly for adults

To the point

Packaging accessories in the pharmaceutical and medical sector are crucial for the safe, hygienic and accurate dosing of products. These accessories must fulfil strict legal requirements and have specific properties to ensure the safety and health of the end user. From droppers and dosing syringes to special closures, they offer customised solutions for the various requirements of the products.

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